My Role

Pack design / Photographer / Copywriting / Marketing

This case aims to market the local tea as a decent souvenir via redesign the pack and brochure. The client is a local luxury resort hotelß targeting the wealthy Chinese tourist. Besides providing accommodation, it sells the unique local products as a souvenir to the tourist.

The previous pack design looks less attractive and cheap can not meet our customers' stander. The pack was redesign to reinforce the package aesthet- ics to achieve the desired objective We noticed that most of the tourist concerning about the capacity of their luggage when they buy souvenirs.

Also, most of the souvenir is given as a gift after bringing back to the tourist home c country. Thus, tourist tends to buy the appropriate volume for packing efficiently in the luggage and a decent package to emphasise the value of the product itself.

The primary communication problem is lack of appropriate way to communicate and educate our customer about the benefits of Harbour Tea. For avoiding decreasing the quality of pack, we eliminate the complicated and overwhelming information on the package. Instead of printing the informa- tion on the package, we design an aesthetics brochure about the information and brew instruction inside the package.

Tea was always associated with intellectual in Asian Culture; For consistent this impression, we use the literature tone in our copywriting. Also, we choose to print brochure placing with the sample of Harborr tea in every single room. Thus the customer can follow the direction and read the story about Harbour Tea without distraction.

Overall, the redesigned Harbour tea package and promotion function well, our client sold the Harbour Tea more easily. The aesthetic package and smaller volume brought the double profit than before.